Workplace Manager

Improve your remediation capability

Use automated remediation to correct malicious or dangerous operations or human errors as quickly as possible, with the help of your team.

The Challenge

Reduce remediation time

Incident response

Reduce the time taken to resolve a threat
Immediately stop a security breach: fraudulent access, brute force attempt, or data exfiltration.

Remediation plans

Carry out remediation quickly
Remove and clean up compromized rights and permissions. Drive recertification and remediation campaigns with just one click.

Under control

Set up a routine for supervizing and correcting data
Give your employees the resources to control and update access, permissions and sharing affecting their data. They’re in control.

CISO on a computer

Pain points

Solve security and remediation issues

Remediation capability

Following an audit, it is necessary to be able to apply the necessary corrective measures.
Today, security teams have limited resources to accelerate these remediation processes.

Data volumetry

With the rise of collaboration tools, the users have a key role in data security, particularly in the permissions and sharing reviews. Giving them the mean to update and revoke rights directly allows to execute and speed up remediation to keep the situation healthy.

Treatment of an alert

From detection, to remediation, the delays can sometimes be very long, and have consequences on the integrity and security of the information system. You can save time thanks to your users.


Increase your risk response capability

Remediation by users

Your users manage their data, including permissions update. They can group or delete sites or member lists, manage sharing links, etc.

Rights review simplified

Automate remediation processes

Keep control over access, rights, sharing, and configuration affecting your data.
Reduce the cost of recertification campaigns by automating the entire process.
Focus on doing what is essential.

Timeline for events and automatic remediation


Automated remediation by users

IDECSI’s remediation leverages user connectivity and real-time alerts to manage access, permissions and sharing and resolve security incidents automatically.

Diagnostics icon

Centralized view

Machine learning

Permission management

Monitoring and reporting

User check

User involvement


  • Accurate audit of data permissions, risks or configuration errors (groups and members, individual permissions, via company link, internal users, guest or anonymous accounts)
  • Audit of permissions affecting sensitive data
  • Dynamic identification of owners and possible mass assignment
  • User action

  • Group or delete sites and lists
  • Manage sharing links (company link, external)
  • Manage and delete groups
  • Change owners
  • Management

  • Automatic processing of permissions updates by the IDECSI platform
  • Centralized, consolidated feedback
  • Supervision tool for ISS and SOC teams
  • Under control

  • Continuous changes and updates
  • Alerts for major changes
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    Effective solutions for all your needs


    Run analyses with just one click. Access important information fast.

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    Involve users

    Increase the user’s role in protecting their data and collaboration tools by involving them in the security system and allowing them to control their data.

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    Sensitive data

    Enable personalized monitoring and maintain full control over the operations and access affecting your most essential data.

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    Detect suspicious or malicious activities and human errors even those with very weak signals, thanks to a powerful real-time alerting system and the involvement of your users.

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    Access review

    Dramatically improve your recertification processes with effective user engagement, automated mechanics, and fine-grained data analysis.

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    Data protection:
    Let’s talk about your project!

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